Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh yeah, I started a blog's either time to write something on here, or give it up huh?  Shit or get off the pot as they say.

The original intention of this forum was to keep family and friends in the loop about our short people and happenings.  Since most of the world as I know it, is on Facebook, I've done little to keep up with this.  That, and I find the process of digging through our pictures, copying them to a secondary location for upload, then arranging them in this format, ever so slightly tedious.


So, to continue or not?  My level of motivation remains to be seen.  Even with my fairly regular interaction with people I care about on FB, I have a growing sense of distance because the geographic gulf between us.  And while I've met many great people, I'm not accustomed to the process of starting over, reestablishing all of my relationships at once.  I guess that's the price you pay when don't move the first seventeen years of your life, and go straight through one set of elementary, middle, and high schools.  Straight through.  There's plenty of folks on FB that I've known since I was 5 or 6 years old with the same experience.  So, perhaps the benefit of this is that my kids will learn some adaptive skills that I lack?  Yeah, that's the ticket.

So for now, onward I guess.  Until the next slice of "know me!" "hear me" "see me!".


  1. Congrats on starting to post again! Post on facebook so I know when to check-in.

    You've motivated me to start again too - but it has to wait until April. Right now I must paint and it's too hard to type real sentences with one hand(because of holding Willow; get your mind out of the gutter!)

    And update your 'About Me'. While you are an excellent mama and wife, that is DEFINITELY not all there is to you. You are smart and witty and are an intensely interesting person. I expect to see something about bluegrass music, your search for a creative outlet, and your love/hate relationship with working out soon. So chop-chop, get to it!

  2. I think you should write my "about me". You know more about me that I seem to know about myself!
